Marwane El Kharbili

Feb 13, 2008

PhD position at ARIS Research Open now!

At ARIS Research in Saarbrücken, we have currently an open position for a software engineer with the possibility of a PhD. The position is meant for 3 years. Supervision shall be made by the Wirtschaftsinformatik Institut at the Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken.

The position comprehends work on exploring the uses of web 2.0 technologies in conceiving context dependant and business process supporting telecommunication services.

PhDing in an industrial environment brings many advantages. Apart from working at the world leader in Business Process Modelling and Analysis, the position would allow you to build your career path in the industry, profit from the experience of people in various domains, work in a young anf highly motivating environment at ARIS research while conducting research on very challenging and demanding domains.

If you're interested, then have a look here at the position description, or send an email to jobs AT ids-scheer DOT de. I have to add that german language skills are required for the position since it os the spoken communication language here at the IDS. Some detailed information about the expected tasks, what the IDS has to offer to accompany a postgraduate work and how a PhD at the is organized is to be found on the blog of my colleague at ARIS Research:

In case of any questions you may contact me at: Marwane DOT Elkharbili AT ids-scheer DOT com.

Marwane El Kharbili.